Well For Culture ambassadors are available on a freelance basis for consulting, workshops, and presentations.
WHAT do we cover?
ancestral EATING
indigenizing fitness& MOVEMENT
interconnectedness of wellness and culture
history of indigenous wellness
effects of colonialism on indigenous health and solutions for these problems
grassroots efforts: How to indigenize fitness and wellness on the ground
future of indigenous foods and fitness
other specialized topics: youth fit-wellness, athletics; Men's & Womens's fit-wellness; and more....
Discussions are always approached with a POSITIVE and OPTIMISTIC mentality. We seek to instill hope and inspiration in our participants. presentations are always interactive, including some or all of the following:
Indigenous games
food demonstrations
fitness routines
exercise basics
talking circles
ice breaker games
We speak to a variety of audiences and demographics. we cater our content accordingly to any age, geographical location, or Nation. We are especially interested in speaking and meeting with youth, as the primary objective of Well For Culture is to instill hope for the future while encouraging healthy values in young minds.
partnerships + places we've been
Minnesota state university, moorhead
GONA - gathering of native americans
Native Wellness Institute
Dream the impossible @ pechanga reservation
the heard musuem
dartmouth college - native americans at dartmouth
university of arizona
nike world headquarters - nike's native american network
shakopee mdwekanton sioux community
BAD RIVER BAND OF the lake superior tribe of chippewa
standing rock sioux tribe youth conference
salt river community
washington state university
university of idaho
Click here to inquire about consulting