Well For Culture "The Cuts" with Sterlin Harjo

Sterling Harjo has an awesome podcast called "The Cuts" - listen to it! 

Sterling Harjo has an awesome podcast called "The Cuts" - listen to it! 

We had the pleasure of joining our bud/filmmaker/1491  Sterlin Harjo on an episode of his podcast: THE CUTS. Every episode is great - he interviews some really rad folks from around Native country, so you should listen to them all - but if you want to hear a really straightforward, no-holds-bar conversation about some of our thoughts on holistic health and wellness, LISTEN HERE

Chelsey & Thosh overlooking Oceti Sakowin camp. Photo by Bobby Wilson. (We swear it was actually candid!) 

Chelsey & Thosh overlooking Oceti Sakowin camp. Photo by Bobby Wilson. (We swear it was actually candid!) 

We recorded the interview a few months ago from the Luger housed on the Standing Rock rez. So, we talk a lot about the #NoDAPL situation and how wellness is highly relevant and critical for activist movements. We also break down our thoughts on FRYBREAD, Sterlin helps us convince you, the listener, that healthy food is not gross (thanks Sterlin!), and if you listen through you're gonna hear some juicy snagging gossip too (shameless clickbait). 

So, give a listen. Thanks again for having us on the show, Sterlin! 

You can find the episode on thecutspodcast.com or in the iTunes podcast app. 

Well For Culture

Indigenous Wellness Initiative 


Talking Movement on "Native America Calling"


Well For Culture on the "Fat Burning Man" Show